Love starts with your faith in the Lord, but it does not end there. It is a journey that does not seek or self-serve. It is all-giving and refuses the receiving of anything in return. Where you look for good, you will find love in many forms, but where you reject it or refuse it, evil will prevail. Love is truly the answer to much, and love much you will understand the greatness of the Lord and all He can offer you in peace, love and eternal grace.
There is no location destined for you to meet true love. It starts inside you, as a tiny ray of hope that is released through believing in the greater good. It is protected by a simple act of faith, and it always perseveres. Love will not let you down, and you will never have to beg for it. It bides its time, and appears, when necessary, to save you from your dwindling mindset that loneliness is for you.
Turn heavily to the power love can have over someone, and trust in its ability to be bigger than anything you have ever known. If it is real and true, it will not be damaged over time, or through abandonment or neglect.
Love exists solely because I loved you first. It was then, at the beginning, that love was created for Me, by Me, to pass to you in your need. Eternally, it is living amongst us in many ways that may or may not fulfill you, but trust that all love coming your way is a sign that you are indeed praised and welcomed by the hearts of many.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13). There is love, a great love, in putting yourself before your friends. Accepting this as a variation of true love can be what saves you from your pain and solitude.
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins (Peter 4:8). No matter where you go, or how far you wander, you can always come back to Me. I am here and was sent to never leave your side. I died for your sins, and it is in your sins you must appreciate the blessed covering of love.
Loving alone is not possible, for all love stems from the Lord. In thinking you face it alone; you think the Lord does not exist. When you develop the need to sacrifice your belief in Me, you take away the power created by my verse, and by those who I died for. Their power gave Me eternal life, and as I live eternally, I love eternally.
Find that no coin matches that of the great value of love. Place two coins together, and you are amongst a scuffle of the mind. Trying to pin a value on love is like trying to find reason for Me to abandon you. This is not possible, as there is no price in what we do for love, and how we obtain it.
You are in need of gaining strength, but the strength you need can only come from love. As it stands, you are love, and everything you do should be done in love. If each of their neighbors were to act so compassionately, then there would be no hate and no sin in the creation of earth.
Pursue righteousness and find faith along the way. In my love, you will find hate flee and evil diminish. Keep your heart pure, and no ending of love in your life will be sad or painful. Rely on the love I have for you and allow God to live in you as you live in Him. Be the master of this connection and allow the glory that God has given you to stay in my love forever. There is only one form of eternal love, and that is through the glory of the Lord.
“Find prayer and solace in the hope of finding true love.”