Like contagion, bitterness can affect those around you. If you are exuding a level of negativity, no matter what your intention, those close to you will feel it and eventually become it too in your presence. It is My duty to eradicate evil at all costs, and evil comes from bitterness. It is a challenge to remain positive, but it is possible through the words of the Lord.
Showing mercy both to yourself and to Me will show you in good recognition that you are being true and faithful to the Lord. Through prayer and solitude, you will find the answers you need that help you understand what makes people become unkind, and it is usually through their own fear or pain they become such.
The blame may not lie with you, but the determination of their mood can be altered through selfless acts of love and compassion. Showing them that they can be light will help them find their way through the thick of darkness, to a brighter place. Use every fiber you have and have learned to keep their pain at bay.
If forgiveness is an easy act, then forgiving others for their unkindness is at the center of my love for you. Keep the faith that there can be change, and let all bitterness and anger be nothing but a steppingstone to a more driven and joyful union of souls. As Christ the Lord forgives you, be the forgiver to those who do you wrong, and act in ways they might never have. Teach them to follow the good, instead of reaping the bad.
He who mocks the poor taunts his Maker; He who rejoices at calamity will not go unpunished (Proverbs 17:5). Do not mock those who are facing difficulties. They know not what they do. They know to be bitter is to be amongst those who are succeeding, and to succeed is to create opportunities that they themselves do not have. Be their opportunity.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Matthew 5: 43-44). In praying for your enemies, you are shifting your energy to those who might not have it for themselves. Through prayer and promise, I will comfort them with you.
There is much strength in standing all against unkindness. It is not to retaliate, but it is to offer your arms of comfort and remind those who are unkind that there are many other ways to produce good outcomes. Forgive them with understanding and watch their faces change from anger to relief as they fall for you, asking you to guide them.
There is a strange value to unkindness that comes from being the forgiver. Without forgiveness, there is no value. In times of struggle, you will find My love, and in My love, you will find the answers. Give those who need it water, give those who refuse it, love anyway. They will do with it what they will, but in your giving, they will receive the kindness they themselves need.
In your kindness, you find a strong and creative way to spread joy and hope to those in need of it. If your enemy is pushing you away, step closer and warm their aura. Bless those who curse as much as those who do not curse, and you will be a man of riches.
If you stay in the kindness that I teach, you will never feel your heart closed. If the hearts of others seem closed, then they are a poor man. You can make them rich in love, if you offer them My strength and kindness through prayer. Seek the hands of your brothers who are floundering and open your door to them in their storm. Keep them from falling further and be their servant when their anger resembles the tears of the needy.
“If there is pain, there is love needed. Be that love through Me, and no pain will be encountered again.”