To wake up in the morning and be inspired to make a difference is what will baptize your future. The light of your path is only lit when I stand alongside you, encouraging you to live for your dreams and create a movement within your community to do good, work hard and achieve your hopes.
The Bible wants to teach you to be free in your choices but pick the ones that suit you and work for your heart. As an avenue of work reaches your eyes, it will light up your senses and keep you moving towards it, like a moth to a flame.
The Bible will teach you the art of endurance, and how the Lord in me is going to support the Lord in you. Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved (Proverbs 16:3) for it is in I you will find the strength to carry on when you feel like giving up and starting something else much less meaningful.
I am the hope you need when you lose your own. When the road feels as though it is thinly spread with faith and promise, turn to me and I will guide you through these times of uncertainty. It is my duty to help you gain a good perspective of what your career would mean for you if you kept on its path rather than give up for a second choice.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him (James 1:5). Let me help you when you feel lost, and I will be your roadmap to your dreams. I will help you follow yours, the way I followed my own inner strength and led you all to your lead, the Lord God.
I will never stop being your pillar of strength when you need to learn the way. On the days that are most difficult, may your practice in calling for me become natural and warranted, for I am always your justified savior, and my love for you will always come before that of my own.
Day turns to night, and in that process, you may not see a soul, but rejoice in me, for I never leave your side. In those moments you feel alone, gather your love for me and apply it to your career. If you do not have the strength to find meaning in what you do, use the image you have of me to keep you going.
There is value in finding what means the most to you in your heart. Allow my teachings in persistence and courage to keep you making good decisions, and never let a temporary moment of uncertainty be your downfall, for you will never get to where you want if you keep allowing your ego to set you back. Learn the value of your passion and use it to keep that fire ablaze.
Your heart’s desire holds much meaning, and nobody will be able to take that away all the while you reaffirm your faith and belief in me. The Lord is always beside you and will never allow your dreams to falter. I am here to grant your wishes, but you must build them with me.
You will never experience a problem too large to handle, and with my love next to you, I will help guide you to your goals. Choose what means the most to you, and what you can gain value from. There are no findings in the search for money. It will disappear and leave you with nothing. If you gain knowledge and passion, then you will reach your priceless destination of contentment in my company.
“Work for your dreams and build them alongside your faith in me.”