Your Jesus Message of the Day: If You, Think You Can’t, listen to Jesus and You Will Soon Be Able

Romans 1:17

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Faith is the belief that all great things are possible if you love and live under My name. The righteous people who seek God in their life will be thanked with the ability to find faith, even in the darkest of times. There is much love in your heart for the uphill climbs that invoke a faith restoration, or needing to be faithful that situations that arise will result in the positive and good. I am positive and good, and I will shine upon you, helping to grow your faith when you are struggling to find it yourself.

Matthew 21:22

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

The Bible describes those who pray and speak to Me regularly, will indeed receive everything they need. Whether that be restoration, or the holy notion that good will be offered to you always comes from My love and light, and the faith you need. Your knowledge in applying faith will be made stronger by the love you put into yourself, which can grow through each and every prayer.

When you need to be or feel restored, I will help you find comfort in pulling you from your difficulties by simply being an ear for your problems. I will help you understand that no problem is bigger than your love for Me, and I will help you find fragments of peace in your prayers, creating a level of spiritual harmony.

Jesus’ Love

My love should never be underestimated, for it is something that ought to bring you peace and joy. Your faith is not bound by my instruction but encouraged by my faith in you.

Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37), and so there must be a time or moment in your day where you are digging for faith, whereby you see the light of hope in the distance. May you be guided by this, towards better days under the constant belief that I am there for you.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3:5-6), and you will be provided with all you need for true faith that things will be alright. No matter how down or difficult your heart is, I will pick it up and hold you close to it to remind you that you must not neglect your faith.

What Jesus Does for You

Facing Faith Alone

As your Lord, sent from heaven above, it is my duty to remind you that you are never alone, even when you look around you and see nobody standing with you. Know that I am the breeze in the trees, the sun in the sky and the grass under your feet. I am there, and your faith will never be asked of you without Me. It is in your weakness that you find My strength.

Learning The Value of Faith

Valuing faith has no measure, and by measure there is nothing you cannot refuse with your faith. When you are asking for a miracle, let Me be the answer for you. Let My love come to you and prove that anything is possible. Your righteous belief in holding faith as important is born from you looking to the sky and calling for Me. From there, all faith will be revealed, and all love will be eternally yours.

Allowing Faith to Strengthen You

Faith will allow your soul to strengthen toward the possibility that anything can be achieved. He who goes along with his life without faith will be led to an empty trough. Weakness only derives from not looking or believing in bigger powers, so your faith is your calling to Me and all I represent.

Stay In Your Faith

When you feel as though you are barely able to continue, the one thing you must remain beside is your faith. My teachings will give you the blessings you need to continue to live a life worth its weight in gold, and as your savior and Lord, I will remind you that staying in your faith will offer you the hope you require to stay where you need to be. Stay in your faith, and My love will stay with you.

Romans 10:17

So, faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

“Faith assures you that you are not alone, and that you can strive under God.”