Prayers for Travel and Destination

Prayer for protection on my journey

Prayer for protection on my journey

May the forces of good be with you on your journey. May they guide and protect, bringing peace into every heart that meets its gaze!

Dear Lord,

I pray to you, our Heavenly Father, that my destination be reached safely, and with no problems.

Wherever I go in my life and wherever my presence falls, please allow it to be met with the comfort and safety of your loving arms.

God, may I be protected from every danger, and teach me to enjoy the journey, safe in the knowledge that I am heading in the right direction, as well as appreciate my choice of destination.

May those who choose to accompany me on this journey be rewarded with good health and fortitude as they seek to make my safety in my travels their priority.

May my time be stress free, and any problems I encounter be dealt with, with patience and compassion during this exciting and hopeful time in my life.
