Prayers for Travel and Destination

Prayer for traveling alone

Prayer for traveling alone

One of the most common fears people have about traveling alone is that something will happen to them. They worry, for instance, if they'll be shot or killed in an accident on their way there and back again- but what do statistics say? The truth may surprise you! There are many more possibilities where this came from when we look at all different types together - think poison gas inhalation being one possibility; another would involve getting beaten up by locals who feel threatened because someone else lives nearby (or even just looking threatened).

Dear Lord,

As I anticipate the reality of traveling alone, may you remain by my side, guiding me through the discomfort of being on my own.

It can be a hard road to walk on when nobody is beside me, but may you always be there to remind me of your hold presence, forever ensuring I am in your loving arms.

Lord, may my travels be free from peril and filled with opportunities for me to grow and discover things about myself that help make the world a better place.

I pray that I remain compassionate to others as I travel alone, and may those who are also traveling solo remain safe from harm and have the confidence, just like me, to make good and fortunate decisions.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all your protection and love as I travel alone.
