As a mother, I know the importance of safe play and staying away from harm. Please protect my child with your powerful grace as he/she ventures out into this world to explore new things.
Dear Lord,
I ask you today to please keep my child from harm. The gift of their life has been my gift of purpose, and as they struggle under the heavy loads that life sometimes challenges us with, may they find the strength within them to courageously win each battle.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will keep them from danger, and if any presents itself to them, that they know to walk away and trust your guiding light to a place of safety and protection.
The love you have for all children is exemplary, and I am forever in your shadow as you exceed our hopes and requests to be our saviour.
Allow my child the opportunity to live their lives well, without risk and ill health.
Please keep them free from injury, and carry them into their days with your grace and patience.