We all mess up, hurt each other, and make mistakes. Forgiveness can be one of the hardest things to do, but it is essential for allowing us to move forward and heal. That's why praying for guidance in forgiving others.
Dear Lord,
I come to you as an imperfect person, with faults of my own that I carry. Although I wish I were faultless, I know that is not the case.
Lord, I know that imperfection is a trait that we all carry, and so I ask you to teach me to forgive others who have wronged me.
I see they are trying, and I see them wanting to do their best by me. Unfortunately, I still feel hurt, and I wish for that to dissipate and allow forgiveness to reign.
Please give me peace to allow for new beginnings between us.
God of all comfort and provision, please cover my hurt in your healing grace and empower me to forgive others wholly and completely as you forgive me each and every day.
Your vision of faith and forgiveness is like a beacon of light to me in my darkest days. Please offer those who have wronged me that same grace, and may they too learn from you that forgiveness is a sacred blessing of peace.
In your name, God.